
Kidlit Distancing Social Helen Wu on Writing for the International Market

From, it’s the Kidlit Distancing Social for July 16, 2020. This week, our guest is Helen Wu, associate publisher at Yeehoo Press, a publisher dedicated to publishing fun, enchanting, and socially responsible children’s books for audiences around the world. Helen and Laura discuss emerging worldwide kidlit trends, and opportunities for authors to publish internationally.

Creating & Publishing Children's Picture Book with Yeehoo Press - Webinar - hosted by Helen H. Wu

Helen Wu, the associate publisher of Yeehoo Press, talked about the picture book publishing route of Yeehoo Press and their manuscript wishlist 2020. Helen shared the story, the process of making children’s picture book and her thoughts on the acquisition and publishing process.


新冠状病毒牵动着全世界人民的心,影响着每个人的生活。近日,华裔儿童文学获奖作家马松桔和中国旅美作家、插画师吴卉婷和共同创作了新冠疫情绘本《病毒斗士》。绘本用浅显易懂的语言介绍了新冠病毒的来龙去脉和各行各业人们的抗疫努力,鼓励孩子们通过待在家中,也加入到抗击病毒的战斗中来。为了让居家隔离的更多人能够读到绘本,出版方Yeehoo Press将图书免费开放下载,并附上高清打印版本。绘本一经发布,即受到世界各地读者的欢迎,很多其他国家的作者也加入翻译制作,目前已有十余种语言。

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